Fitness training while traveling
May 9, 2023
We all know it, you get into a routine and do something. Then you go traveling, away from your usual environment and the new routine is lost. For most people, this happens during their fitness training, so today here are a few tips to stay fit while traveling.
1. Take equipment with you
Extra luggage is becoming cheaper and carrying heavy dumbbells is a good training session. All joking aside, of course you don't need to pack heavy dumbbells. There are plenty of lightweight and effective exercise equipment to take with you.
-Resistance bands can be used in a variety of ways, on the one hand they are very good for warm-ups and mobility training and on the other hand they are very efficient for strength training. They fit in every suitcase and take up hardly any space.
-Grip trainer, grip strength is trained too rarely anyway and the device is very small so ideal for traveling
-Yoga mat
To be able to train comfortably anywhere, especially if there is no gym nearby at all.
-Skipping rope
Great cardio tool, takes up hardly any space

2. Parks
Especially in warm regions, there are many small fitness parks where you can train for free. If you're lucky, there are machines and weights in addition to pull-up bars. Google or local people will help you find the parks.
3. Weekly menu in the gym
Day tickets are usually overpriced, but there are often good deals on weekly tickets. Most gym staff are helpful and will help you find a solution

4. Set training goals
It may be difficult to break your bench press record while traveling, but the goal of doing more push-ups is doable. Small goals motivate and give the routine a breath of fresh air
5. Planning
Anyone who takes the trouble to write a training plan before departure is more likely to stick to it. It's particularly easy to find excuses when you're traveling. If you've already invested time and perhaps even money in a weekly gym membership, you're more likely to stay disciplined.
I hope you enjoy your training,
With sporty greetings